Modern man has apparently only been in existence for the last 100,000 years. We have managed to accomplish a lot of things in this time. For example, the pyramids, the wheel, agriculture, the car and space travel to name but a few. In such a short amount of time in evolutionary terms, we have come a long way.
The dinosaurs inhabited the Earth for 185 million years. Considering we, as modern humans have inhabited the planet for only 100,000 years, I leads me to believe that the dinosaurs should have evolved into intelligent beings similar to us. It is only in the last 150 years that we as a species have had a technological boom. I believe that the dinosaurs started off as a primitive species just like we did, (think of the ape like humanoids that walked the Earth before us), but then a certain species of dinosaur evolved enough to rival our intellect of today's standards, if not succeed it.
This is strictly an out-there theory, but I wonder whether one species of dinosaur evolved so much that they possessed the ability to navigate the globe artificially like us build vast structures and have the ability of space travel. Maybe, the human like dinosaurs that did evolve knew of the approaching destruction that was heading for Earth and took their culture and society into the cosmos. Perhaps the aliens we know of today are actually the evolved species of dinosaurs that left the Earth 65 million years ago. Maybe they are coming back to visit their home world and investigating it's new inhabitants. Like I say, it's just a theory.
Welcome to Fact or Fart, a blog created solely for the debate of whether aliens exist. Please feel free to leave your theories, comments or skepticism.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Alien corpse found in Siberia
Actually reported in a British newspaper The Daily Mail, a "dead alien" was said to be found by two walkers in Siberia close to the Russain border. Judge for yourself and read the full story.
Fake Alien Invasion?
Are the government planning a fake alien invasion?
The London Olympics 2012 is upon us. Living in Great Britain, the Olympics is everywhere to be seen and I don't even live in London. It's in the papers, on the T.V, radio basically everywhere. The whole world is watching because most countries athletes are competing. What a fantastic promotional tool to advertise to the world. If anything were to happen at the Olympics, the whole world would be available to see it.
Typically the most watched times of such events are the opening and closing ceremonies. Back in 1984 when the Olympics were held in Los Angeles, a fake alien spacecraft landed inside the stadium. Most people thinking it was actually happening. The video is pretty cool to watch:
Do you think the government were setting us up for something, or perhaps testing us to see how we would react? Just like the radio broadcast from Orson Welles back in 1938, it caused a massive commotion. Their was mass hysteria and many people fled their homes. With all the alien orientated films and t.v series etc the public have become more familiar with the idea of aliens visiting and I think the government have to keep testing us to see if we are ready to have it revealed to us that we are not alone.
Rumour has it that 2012 is the year that we are to have this planned contact with an alien society. I'm not too sure how much of that I believe, but it is hard to ignore the correlation of UFO and alien imagery in today's society. Are the London 2012 Olympics designed as an alien landing site for the world to see? Or is it a more sinister plan by the government to "Fake" an alien spacecraft landing to cause mass hysteria and cause riots and carnage between the worlds communities for their war fuelled agenda's? Only time will tell.
Our brother, the Universe.
While I am sat here eating my pizza, my mind wanders and my thoughts turn to whether or not their is someone else in the world doing exactly the same thing. There is a good chance there is MORE than one person eating a ham and pineapple pizza in the world. It gets me thinking that if life is capable of making patterns in behaviour between completely unrelated individuals, then why not with forms of life?
We as a society strive to understand the universe and what it has to offer. Maybe another life form millions of miles away with the same intellect as us wonders the same thing. Therefore if there is a life form out there with a more advanced intellect and capable forms of travelling through the cosmos, then maybe they would search for life in the same way we do.
I am a firm believer that all "things" evolved from the same thing. Just like on this planet, the majorly excepted view is that every form of life evolved from a single celled organism, so we are all "related" on this planet. OK, I can take that on board for a minute, but may I put to you that our universe was created from the result of the big bang. This means that everything that was created after, was a product of this "bang". Therefore everything that has developed since or evolved since is as related to each other as we are on Earth. In my eyes, this means that if there was other life out there, it would be more similar to us than we might think. When I say similar, I mean following the bilateral evolution concept (beings with symmetrical sides). Also, if life has developed here, it is more than likely to be as abundant as the other elements and chemicals and be severely dispersed through out the galaxies. Even if life occurred once on our planet, panspermia comes into play.
Panspermia is a theory that life is distributed throughout the universe by asteroids, meteors and such like. Lets just say, hypothetically speaking that life began here. Our Earth has been continuously struck by meteors etc for millenia and little pieces have been cast off into the cosmos. So, regarding that the conditions are right, life will develop and evolve when the conditions deem fit. Considering the known universe was the creation of one event, this would mean we are cosmically related with every being in the galaxy and universe.
So maybe, just maybe, an alien is sat at his computer writing the exact same thing and eating a pizza just like me?! What do you think?
We as a society strive to understand the universe and what it has to offer. Maybe another life form millions of miles away with the same intellect as us wonders the same thing. Therefore if there is a life form out there with a more advanced intellect and capable forms of travelling through the cosmos, then maybe they would search for life in the same way we do.
I am a firm believer that all "things" evolved from the same thing. Just like on this planet, the majorly excepted view is that every form of life evolved from a single celled organism, so we are all "related" on this planet. OK, I can take that on board for a minute, but may I put to you that our universe was created from the result of the big bang. This means that everything that was created after, was a product of this "bang". Therefore everything that has developed since or evolved since is as related to each other as we are on Earth. In my eyes, this means that if there was other life out there, it would be more similar to us than we might think. When I say similar, I mean following the bilateral evolution concept (beings with symmetrical sides). Also, if life has developed here, it is more than likely to be as abundant as the other elements and chemicals and be severely dispersed through out the galaxies. Even if life occurred once on our planet, panspermia comes into play.
Panspermia is a theory that life is distributed throughout the universe by asteroids, meteors and such like. Lets just say, hypothetically speaking that life began here. Our Earth has been continuously struck by meteors etc for millenia and little pieces have been cast off into the cosmos. So, regarding that the conditions are right, life will develop and evolve when the conditions deem fit. Considering the known universe was the creation of one event, this would mean we are cosmically related with every being in the galaxy and universe.
So maybe, just maybe, an alien is sat at his computer writing the exact same thing and eating a pizza just like me?! What do you think?
Thursday, 5 April 2012
The Dreaded 2012 Debate.
There has been a vast amount of hype in the media about the Mayan calendar. It has been said that the calendar ends on 21/12/2012. The subject has been criticised by many scientists and critics alike. Is ther any truth behind the matter?
Some theorists believe that the end of the calendar predicts the end of the world. I'm not too certain on this opinion, however I do believe it signifies the end of an era.
Throughout major religions there is a judgement day where the messiah returns. In my opinion this simply symbolises the return of the alien ancestors. Maybe the Mayan calendar points to the day of their coming.
I would be greatly interested to hear what all of you think on the subject. Please leave your comments below...
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Ancient Alien Bases?
Legend has it that at Tiahuanaco, an advanced race of extra-terrestrials genetically engineered Neanderthal man into the various races that exist today. Their work was completed 100,000 years ago.
Lake Titicaca.
Lake Titicaca is a lake located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. At 3,811 m (12,500 ft) above sea level, the lake is on record as the highest commercially navigable lake in the world. By volume of water, it is also the largest lake in South America.
Ancient Indian texts, known as Sangams, describe sunken cities where aliens and humans intermingled thousands of years ago. Who could have built the 600-foot stepped stone structure off the coast of Japan–a site that may predate the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years? Could evidence of ancient alien contact lie buried in Earth’s deepest oceans?
Watch the video for more....
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Were Adam and Eve Created by Aliens?
Adam and Eve
The story about Adam and Eve is how "God" made Adam in his own image. Then he took a rib from Adam and created Eve.
Looking at it from a completely athiest point of view, this sounds ludicrous.
Apart from the fact that all humans must have descended from the same parents, the couple were said to have had only 2 sons.
If that being so, how did the rest of the population come into existence? Cain and Abel were said to have wives, weren't they? Did Eve concieve 2 sisters for the 2 brothers?
Very unlikely, I must admit.
The "God" which I believe the bible talks about, are the alien beings that created us. Although aliens might sound ridiculous to some, the idea of humans creating animals from genetic material is not so ridiculous. We as a race have already managed to clone sheep. We can also make human babies in a test tube; i.e test tube babies.
Jesus was divinely put into the womb of Mary by "God". In other words, she was taken to an alien lab and artificially inseminated with a hybrid baby concieved in a test tube. If you bring this story into modern day times and replace the alien lab with a doctors surgery, it is completely believable.
Take a look at this Sumerian tablet. The creation of man in a clay vessel.
The Bible is packed full of these stories and I believe if you change the word "God" in most sentences, and replace it with "Aliens" the story sounds ten times more realistic and believable.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Ancient Wisdom or Alien Technology?
Take a look at these artifacts. What do you think they resemble?
First of all you might believe them to be animals, birds or even insects. Take a closer look. Birds don't have upright tail feathers do they? Insects don't have wings located on the underside of their bodies either.
My first reaction was that they look like toy spaceships similar to the space shuttle
Huge similarities between the two, I'm sure you have to agree.
Now the only problem is, the artifacts at the top were actually made in gold at least 1000 years ago. The even more shocking reality is that they have been found around the globe. Ranging from South America to India. Cultures 500 years ago struggled to navigate the globe easily, let alone merge and share cultures over 1000 years ago.
Furthermore, scientists have made scale replicas of the artifacts and attached engines/propellers and they actually fly perfectly. How can so called primitive cultures produce aerodynamically sound objects such as these? Unless they had the knowledge of flight, I deem it quite impossible.
Food for thought I guess!
Pink Flyod. Did they know something we didn't?
I'm a big fan of Pink Flyod. I only became aware of their music about 10 years ago. Plenty of time to listen to a song and figure out the meanings. Recently I've noticed the amount of similarities and references to aliens.
For example:
Dark Side Of The Moon. The moon has a constant dark side, only the one side faces the earth at all times. Now subject to opinion, the dark side of the moon was said to have been explored by NASA. They didn't disclose much about their findings. Certain leaks on the internet explained how they had found a crashed space craft and an alien corpse. I'm not sure how true these speculations are, but it got me thinking. Why on earth would a rock band name a song and an album about the dark side of the moon. Are they trying to bring awareness to the subject?
Is There Anybody Out There? This basically explains itself. Are they asking the question whether aliens exist?
Album: The Wall
Track: "Is There Anybody Out There?"
Location: 0:43 - 1:07
There is also said to be hidden "noise". In the track "Is There Anybody Out There", a frightened Waters calls out "Is there anybody out there?!", in which a reply is immediately and noisily met by the aliens that have been living in their music for the last decade. Yes, Roger, there is somebody out there. Something has been monitoring you closely for years now. It features in almost every track Pink Flyod ever made, spanning from the 60's to the 90's.
There's tons of other examples, the list is too long to name them all. If you can think of any others, feel free to comment and add them.
For example:
Dark Side Of The Moon. The moon has a constant dark side, only the one side faces the earth at all times. Now subject to opinion, the dark side of the moon was said to have been explored by NASA. They didn't disclose much about their findings. Certain leaks on the internet explained how they had found a crashed space craft and an alien corpse. I'm not sure how true these speculations are, but it got me thinking. Why on earth would a rock band name a song and an album about the dark side of the moon. Are they trying to bring awareness to the subject?
Is There Anybody Out There? This basically explains itself. Are they asking the question whether aliens exist?
Album: The Wall
Track: "Is There Anybody Out There?"
Location: 0:43 - 1:07
There is also said to be hidden "noise". In the track "Is There Anybody Out There", a frightened Waters calls out "Is there anybody out there?!", in which a reply is immediately and noisily met by the aliens that have been living in their music for the last decade. Yes, Roger, there is somebody out there. Something has been monitoring you closely for years now. It features in almost every track Pink Flyod ever made, spanning from the 60's to the 90's.
There's tons of other examples, the list is too long to name them all. If you can think of any others, feel free to comment and add them.
Do Aliens Exist?
Believing in aliens is pretty much frowned upon, it always has been in main stream cultures. Gradually the concept of aliens has become more recognised. Most scholars now admit to the unmistakable fact that aliens more than probably do exist somewhere in the universe.
I have long been a believer in aliens. I didn't do any research into the matter though until I became aware of Zacharia Sitchin's theory of ancient astronauts. There is massive coverage over the Internet regarding this subject. The History channel have made a series surrounding the idea. I wasn't aware at how widely the theory was believed.
To me, a non-religious person. I believe that the idea of a grey bearded man in the sky is far more improbable than the idea that alien beings travelled to earth millenia ago and genetically modified primitive man for their purposes. We basically skipped a step in evolution.
My aim with this blog is to learn everything there is to know about the ancient astronauts AND any other credible information others have regarding aliens. From the Internet, I have gathered that we (by which I mean the government) are already interacting with aliens.
If any of you have any further input and info to do with aliens please don't hesitate to comment below.
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