Welcome to Fact or Fart, a blog created solely for the debate of whether aliens exist. Please feel free to leave your theories, comments or skepticism.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Do Aliens Exist?

Believing in aliens is pretty much frowned upon, it always has been in main stream cultures. Gradually the concept of aliens has become more recognised. Most scholars now admit to the unmistakable fact that aliens more than probably do exist somewhere in the universe.

I have long been a believer in aliens. I didn't do any research into the matter though until I became aware of Zacharia Sitchin's theory of ancient astronauts. There is massive coverage over the Internet regarding this subject. The History channel have made a series surrounding the idea. I wasn't aware at how widely the theory was believed.

To me, a non-religious person. I believe that the idea of a grey bearded man in the sky is far more improbable than the idea that alien beings travelled to earth millenia ago and genetically modified primitive man for their purposes. We basically skipped a step in evolution.

My aim with this blog is to learn everything there is to know about the ancient astronauts AND any other credible information others have regarding aliens. From the Internet, I have gathered that we (by which I mean the government) are already interacting with aliens.
If any of you have any further input and info to do with aliens please don't hesitate to comment below.
image courtesy of http://www.impactlab.net/

1 comment:

  1. I agree!! Definately more believable than religious beliefs :)
