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Monday 6 August 2012

Fake Alien Invasion?

Are the government planning a fake alien invasion?

The London Olympics 2012 is upon us. Living in Great Britain, the Olympics is everywhere to be seen and I don't even live in London. It's in the papers, on the T.V, radio basically everywhere. The whole world is watching because most countries athletes are competing. What a fantastic promotional tool to advertise to the world. If anything were to happen at the Olympics, the whole world would be available to see it.

Typically the most watched times of such events are the opening and closing ceremonies. Back in 1984 when the Olympics were held in Los Angeles, a fake alien spacecraft landed inside the stadium. Most people thinking it was actually happening. The video is pretty cool to watch:

Do you think the government were setting us up for something, or perhaps testing us to see how we would react? Just like the radio broadcast from Orson Welles back in 1938, it caused a massive commotion. Their was mass hysteria and many people fled their homes. With all the alien orientated films and t.v series etc the public have become more familiar with the idea of aliens visiting and I think the government have to keep testing us to see if we are ready to have it revealed to us that we are not alone.
Rumour has it that 2012 is the year that we are to have this planned contact with an alien society. I'm not too sure how much of that I believe, but it is hard to ignore the correlation of UFO and alien imagery in today's society. Are the London 2012 Olympics designed as an alien landing site for the world to see? Or is it a more sinister plan by the government to "Fake" an alien spacecraft landing to cause mass hysteria and cause riots and carnage between the worlds communities for their war fuelled agenda's? Only time will tell.

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