Welcome to Fact or Fart, a blog created solely for the debate of whether aliens exist. Please feel free to leave your theories, comments or skepticism.

Monday 6 August 2012

Our brother, the Universe.

While I am sat here eating my pizza, my mind wanders and my thoughts turn to whether or not their is someone else in the world doing exactly the same thing. There is a good chance there is MORE than one person eating a ham and pineapple pizza in the world. It gets me thinking that if life is capable of making patterns in behaviour between completely unrelated individuals, then why not with forms of life?

 We as a society strive to understand the universe and what it has to offer. Maybe another life form millions of miles away with the same intellect as us wonders the same thing. Therefore if there is a life form out there with a more advanced intellect and capable forms of travelling through the cosmos, then maybe they would search for life in the same way we do.

I am a firm believer that all "things" evolved from the same thing. Just like on this planet, the majorly excepted view is that every form of life evolved from a single celled organism, so we are all "related" on this planet. OK, I can take that on board for a minute, but may I put to you that our universe was created from the result of the big bang. This means that everything that was created after, was a product of this "bang". Therefore everything that has developed since or evolved since is as related to each other as we are on Earth. In my eyes, this means that if there was other life out there, it would be more similar to us than we might think. When I say similar, I mean following the bilateral evolution concept (beings with symmetrical sides). Also, if life has developed here, it is more than likely to be as abundant as the other elements and chemicals and be severely dispersed through out the galaxies. Even if life occurred once on our planet, panspermia comes into play.

Panspermia is a theory that life is distributed throughout the universe by asteroids, meteors and such like. Lets just say, hypothetically speaking that life began here. Our Earth has been continuously struck by meteors etc for millenia and little pieces have been cast off into the cosmos. So, regarding that the conditions are right, life will develop and evolve when the conditions deem fit. Considering the known universe was the creation of one event, this would mean we are cosmically related with every being in the galaxy and universe.

So maybe, just maybe, an alien is sat at his computer writing the exact same thing and eating a pizza just like me?! What do you think?

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